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Sikh Farmers Protest

The Farmers Protest which originally started in India sparked a global movement making it the largest protest in human history. During...

The Rise Of Veganism

The rise of Veganism is something which is significantly growing within the UK. Some consider it extreme, though a lot of people are all...

Drug Addiction And Abuse

What is drug addiction? What are the effects? How does one overcome it? Join me, recovering alcoholic Aunee and peer mentor at Turning...

The Evolution of Radio

Radio should not be defined by the medium it has traditionally been delivered through. Radio as a medium has developed over time from its...

Messy Days call for Soothing Ways

When things get too much, acknowledge it and take some time out for yourself. Life can get messy, but it would be boring if it was a...

Intrusive Thoughts

When intrusive thoughts take over, it’s hard to focus on the positive and much easier to be sucked into a spiral of bad thoughts and...

The Arts World is Pale, Male and Stale.

Why is diversity in arts criticism important? “It’s 2019 and we are in the middle of a Renaissance in black artistic production. And you...

Power and the News Media

What is the relationship between power and the news media? How successful are they at delivering messages when communicating stories to a...

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