Two words come to mind when you see Navid Sole: strong and confident.
From Rome to London, Pharmacist to TV star and from fun reality shows to intense business shows, Navid Sole has walked through many crosses of life.
He said: “I’m from the North, South, East and the West. I have that mixed-European and Middle Eastern side, but London is my hometown.”
Many are unaware that the designer-loving icon has also been on three other reality TV shows. But behind the TV star and pharmacist’s strong character, and life of fun and fashion, lies past struggles and complications.
“My whole life I was constantly bullied for who I was and what I was.”
We were introduced to 27-year-old Sole as a London-based pharmacist, with hopes to win a £250,000 investment from Lord Sugar to multiply his pharmacy empire.
Born in Italy, raised by Persian parents and moving to London at six years old, the Nicki Minaj superfan said he has always had a passion for fashion, meeting celebrities and travelling.
“I’ve been invited to fashion events like the Versace store, celebrity parties and I meet very famous icons which is a privilege. I go backstage at concerts for meet and greets, it’s amazing.”
Spending over £20,000 a year on holidays, the fashionista has met and partied with famous stars including Rita Ora, Nicki Minaj, Jason Derulo, Dua Lipa, Naomi Campbell and an endless list of others.
“Jlo is the best star I’ve met so far; she is stunning and full of energy – like me! And of course, Nick Minaj is the best as well.”
His meet and greets have not been inhibited to only superstars, as Sole has chatted and hugged with prominent figure, Michelle Obama.
Arriving in London at six years old, the newcomer faced difficulty making friends at school and struggled with understanding the English culture.
“When I moved to London, I only spoke Italian and Farsi. I didn't understand the culture because it was so diverse compared to Italy. It was kind of hard to blend in, I felt like the odd one out.”
With the presence of his older sister attending to his lessons with him, Sole began to feel a little more at ease in the school - except things took a turn for the worst. Seven-year-old Sole was hospitalised for seven months due to a severe bone infection.
“I couldn’t go out of the hospital. I missed out on school. Only at certain times I could go for fresh air in my wheelchair, which was my happiest moment. Just seeing people made me happy.” Doctors feared that Sole’s only chance of survival was by amputating his leg. “My life was a disaster.”
Fortunately, a doctor from the Saint Mary’s Hospital in London was adamant that there was still another way. “He was the miracle to my life.” After undertaking aggressive surgeries and continuous physiotherapy, Sole was lucky to leave the hospital and resume his studies.
“It just makes you appreciate everything and not take things for granted.”
Though the hurdles didn’t stop there, as Sole experienced tough times in school, college and university. “I went through horrible bullying because of my sexuality and who I was. I was called a fagot, bitch and all these disgusting names.”
Young, free and single, Sole was looking for a companion despite what his haters would say. But his love life wasn’t all hearts and flowers either.
“I’ve been in toxic relationships; I’ve fallen in love with straight guys who pretend to like me and take advantage. They would just use and abuse me.”
With the inspiration of his idol, Nicki Minaj, Sole didn’t let the bullies and abusers win. Taking control and pushing on in life, he carried on doing what he loved.
“Her songs are what make me strong and to just not give a f***. I’m having fun living my life and whoever tries to destroy it is just miserable with their own, period.”
Sole’s hero, Nicki Minaj, follows his personal Twitter account and Nicki Minaj fan account.
Graduating with a master’s degree in pharmacy in 2017 from King’s College London, Sole was ready to enter the pharmaceutical world. However, his aspirations didn’t stop there, as the following year he featured in Judge Rinder. Sole also appeared on Rich Kids Go Skint in 2019. In the same year, he also starred in Eating With My Ex. He said:
“All of the shows were incredible experiences, but to be honest, I did them for fun.
“Rich Kids Go Skint was the funniest, coolest show; I really enjoyed spending time with the family who I’m still in touch with.
“Eating With My Ex was kind of cringe… but you have to start somewhere.”
Sole was fired from The Apprentice in week three. He explained that this was the top show he’s done so far. “It’s a very intense show, not where you can have fun. You can’t mess around or else you’re getting booted out.
“There’s so much work and auditions that you have to do and you’re competing with thousands and thousands so to make it on is kind of an achievement on its own.”
Lord Sugar and Karren Brady are also in his list of top role models. “On TV you just see one hour of the show. Behind the scenes, you see their true personalities and they really inspired me with their brilliant business mindsets.”
The credit for Sole’s success does not solely lie with Nicki Minaj. He said the support from his loving, millionaire parents helped to rebuild his life as they were always there for him.
“My parents were and remain the most encouraging people in my life.”
Now managing two family-owned pharmacies, Sole is happier than ever and grateful for the opportunities that have come his way. “I feel extremely blessed and appreciative every day for how far I’ve come in life.”
Sole’s love for celebrity meets and greets, and TV appearances do not end here, as his strong and confident self is optimistic and ready for the next opportunity.
“Hopefully there is more to come, fingers crossed. Whatever’s meant to be will be, wherever the destiny or journey takes me.”